Pre-op Guidelines‚ 3 days before your operation

Do ✅

  • Eat a soft pureed or liquid diet (see sample below)
  • Semi liquid soups, low-lactose products (cheese, yoghurt)

Your choice of food should be predominantly protein-calcium in soft-pureed form. You can cook with real meat and chicken in water, blend them with the help of a blender and consume it as a puree.

Don’t ❌

  • Drink Fizzy drinks like Soda Water, Coke, Fanta, Irn-Bru, etc.
  • Drink Alcohol 
  • Smoke Cigarettes
  • Drink any beverage with Sugar or Added Sugar ‘ready to drink’ juices 
  • Eat whole milk, whole cheese, 
  • Drink Caffeinated drinks 
  • Eat Pastries and bread products
  • Eat Rice, pasta, fatty and fried foods
  • Eat Acidic Fruits like Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit

Soft (Pureed/Liquid) Diet                                                                 

Sample Menus – For 3 Days before the Gastric Sleeve/ Gastric Bypass Operation

Sample Menu 1


  • One glass of water, semi-skimmed milk or probiotics


  • One ladle of soup – meat/chicken broth (200 ml)
  • One glass of water or semi-skimmed, or kefir or ¬Ω water glass of fruit juice


  • One ladle of soup – meat/chicken broth (200 ml)


  • One glass of water, semi-skimmed milk or probiotics


Sample Menu 2


  • One boiled egg or omelette
  • Two slices of low-fat cheese


  • Two to seven nuts (like six-seven almonds)


  • Four meatballs, fillet of fish or chicken with steamed vegetables (except potatoes)            
  • Salad (without oil) 


  • One portion of fruit + three-four tablespoons of low-fat yoghurt or one cup of semi-skimmed milk


  • One soup ladle of soup (we prefer mincemeat or chicken) steamed vegetables
  • Salad (without oil, you can add two slices of low-fat cheese) 
  • IF YOU NEED; One portion of fruit + three-four tablespoons of low-fat yoghurt or one cup of semi-skimmed milk